Step Ups and Gate Movements
Apr 26, 2023
One of the most common incidents of falls occurs when we are lifting our leg to get in or out of a car. If we are not able to clear the height of the door threshold, we are in danger of catching our foot on the door frame and either falling into or out of the vehicle. The same thing applies when stepping up onto a curb or climbing stairs. These two exercises will strengthen your legs for better lifting and control.
Step Up Exercise:
- You will need a small, sturdy, platform
- Have something you can hold onto throughout the exercise, if needed
- Maintain good posture
- Look straight ahead
- Step up, then step down (back)
- You can lift your knee for more of a challenge
Check out this video from Taylor Harrison at Active Seniors Health Centre for a demonstration.
Gate Exercise:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place your hands at your waist
- Lift your left knee up to waist level and then move it out to the side
- Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg
If you’re not ready to balance on one leg while performing this exercise, you can place your hand on the wall, or another stable object such as a chair.
Check out this video from Sara Lindberg at VeryWellFit.com for a demonstration.
Information for this article is shared from our partner, Live 2 B Healthy, or others as indicated in the article.
Check back tomorrow for the final article in this Fitness Series – the importance of ankle and wrist mobility!
For our 2nd exercise in this series, Woodchopper, posted yesterday, click here.