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Donate to Avinity

Your gifts to the Avinity Foundation provide ongoing financial support to help us sustain the overall mission, serving older adults in our senior living communities where aging is all about living.

Your generous contributions make a difference in the many areas in which wer serve older adults, such as:

  • Our Spiritual Care Program - to provide onsite Pastors to nourish the souls and spirits of our wonderful residents
  • The Gathering - provides stimulating programming for those suffering with memory loss and respite for their caregivers
  • Staff Appreciation Fund - help us reward those caring for our remarkable residents
  • Shining Star Program (see button below)
  • Benevolence Fund - to help residents who have a difficult time paying their rent
  • Legacy/Memorials (see bottom of page)

See below for these and other options or call Mary at 612-243-4591 to learn about needs at our communities.

Shining Star Program