The Hope of Spring
Mar 3, 2025
In the winter, the cold artic blasts chill me to the bone; the sun rises late and sets early. It’s not a surprise to me that I feel couped up during this cold season. I crave for the days to grow longer and longer. Winter can lead us at times to feel more discouraged. But we have hope! A living hope we know will happen--Spring is almost here! Nature has been preparing for this all winter long. The deep roots of trees, bushes and other foliage remain active all winter long. Nature waits patiently for the warmth of the sun.
I think we can learn a lesson or two from the trees. Trees can’t be snowbirds and travel south for the winter. Wouldn’t that be a sight! They know how to wait patiently for just the right time before they bloom in the spring. So, it is with us, we all have our times of doubt, sorrow, and worry. Yet, waiting patiently will develop within us endurance for more chilling seasons to come. As you learn to appreciate where you are in life, just as you are, you can see yourself like that tree whose roots are deeply planted. There is a peace and security knowing that God has created you and “planted” you just where you need to be.
Waiting for the warmth of the sun is like faith. We have the assurance that spring will always faithfully return year after year. So, it is with us, faith in God gives us hope. Just as the spring brings life, so our faith turns our sorrow to joy, our worries to peace and our doubts to hope.
The psalmist reminds us to be like the trees in the first Psalm from the book of Psalms:
…but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
In Peace and Hope, Campus Pastor Lane Skoglund-Anderson
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