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The Promise of a Rainbow

May 2, 2023

“This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”
-from Genesis 9

“I am with you always even to the end of the age.” -from Matthew 28

This past Winter seemed like it would never end. Would Spring ever arrive? Well, Spring is here, and I know our gardens will begin to grow and bloom. I hope we get to soon see one of our favorite signs of the warm seasons – the rainbow.

The rainbow is a sign of hope and a reminder that God is always with us and will see us through the storms in life. One of the residents I serve recalled observing a brilliant rainbow one morning from her apartment. This inspired her to write a devotional for her church which I am pleased to share with you:

I remembered a time when I went to bed one evening a little depressed and anxious about the state of the world.   So, I prayed.  

I woke up at 5:30 A.M. (not the time I usually wake up).  I looked out the window and saw a line of dark rain clouds toward the southwest.  In front of the clouds was the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen.  Brilliant!  Gorgeous!  A symbol of God’s promises to His people.  (I understand the science of how a rainbow is formed and I believe that to be one of God’s miracles.) I wanted to go out to the balcony and shout.  “People!  He is with us!  Wake up!  Behold!”  In the midst of illness, of turmoil, of hatred, of division, God calls to be vigilant, to be faithful.  And it is happening... Witness the dedicated health care workers.  Witness those working to restore our streets.  Witness those donating food and supplies.  Witness those who are working toward action, not just words.  Witness those who work humbly with their God to do justice and love kindness. (Micah 6:8)

God IS with us!
Look to the rainbow!
Go in peace.  Thanks be to God.

-     Lane Skoglund-Anderson, Campus Pastor