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Prayer Shawl

The Gift of Spiritual Care

Jan 5, 2016

During this Christmas season we remember the birth of a lowly infant, who was born to humble parents in a stable with animals for company. We give thanks for Mary and Joseph's willingness to step out into the unknown and play their part in the fulfillment of God's plan. We pray that by their example, we might be ready to listen - and having listened, to act.

It's a gift to be part of a community that lives out the spirit of Jesus Christ and celebrates Him all year long. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your genrous financial donations to the Avinity Foundation in support of the spiritual care programs that nurture soul and spirit. You have helped make it possible for us to provide onsite services such as the chapel program, Bible studies, prayer circle and prayer shawl ministries, pastoral visits, music concertos, resident choirs and more.

Our spiritual care program is the core of the Avinity Experience and our mission. That mission is to strengthen the spiritual health of Avinity in a loving, inspirational environment - and walk with residents and families wherever they are on their faith journey.

We know that during this beautiful Christmas season you are generous with many. We would be honored if you would include Avinity in the gifts you share. To make a gift online, please visit

With prayers for Christ's blessing in the year ahead,

Janet Marxen, Director of Spiritual & Pastoral Care